
Say Cheese!

Today is picture day at Civic. And I am stoked. I LOVE picture day at a middle school. Everyone comes in their spiffiest accessories (since they still have to wear their school uniform)

I myself am excited to redeem myself from the last 2 years of picture day disasters. My first year picture looks like I am on the verge of sobs. Which, let's be real, I probably was. My second year picture looks like I hadn't slept or seen the sun in years. Decades really. And as a second year teacher in NYC, I really hadn't.

But this year will be different. For one, I am far more balanced this year. I limit myself to only 10 oz of Diet Coke a day (except for Thursdays) and I eat more than cold, leftover pizza. Sometimes, I even go outside during the daytime. I also managed to shower the night before and laid out my outfit before going to sleep. Yeah, I'm going to look pretty fine. Or gucci. Or whatever your term for "awesomely fabulous" may be.


Stephanie said...
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Stephanie said...

Loved that clip! Hope your picture turned out good. Where has time gone? I haven't talk to you in forever. Weren't we just in middle school ;) How do you like being a teacher now that you've been doing it for a few years now? I'm always checking out your blog seeing how your doing.. miss you and think of you often