
The Birds

The Birds in this area of Austin are unlike anything I have ever seen outside of a Hitchcock movie. They are so loud! There is a particular tree I walk past on my way to the gym that is deafening right after sundown. It freaks me out a little. But all in all I am glad to be surrounded by them.


Eric and Jill said...

They're just like that here too! And thank you again for introducing me to the movie "The Birds!" They surrounded my parking lot at my old office. They can easily overwhelm a car and they fearless. They get so bad that the city shoots the canon noise in attempts to scare them off but it doesn't seem to help much. Its so fun to see though when they all take flight at the same time. But I'll agree they are deafening!

Tammy said...

When we visited my brother in Huston they were like that. They must love the Texas climate.

Elisse Newey said...

It's good to know its not just me! That would truly be Hitchcock-ian! That's crazy that they use cannons!

Sunny said...

I have loved looking through your blog, Elisse. There are a million great pictures on here. What camera do you have? I am particularly in love with the second bird picture. I want to frame it. Sell your work on the etsy.