
Last night I read that San Francisco is to soon ban all water bottles in government buildings in the name of pollution. I am so excited that people are excited to make this earth cleaner. I am so excited that there are ideas and plans in the works to make things better for us and for future generations. So many plastic water bottles are used needlessly. Especially since water is virtually free from the tap. I know I am guilty of using way more than my share of water bottles in this life. So I am indeed excited to be reminded more often of just how far reaching the effects of my one seemingly little choice can have.

There is one thing I have noticed about Spain. The recycling is incredible. It is second nature to everyone in this entire country. There are recycling receptacles in every home, on every corner, in every street. There are ones for bio-degradables, cardboard, plastic, aluminum, glass. Bags at most big grocery stores cost extra to cut down on needless bags. Though most people use cloth bags or reusable plastic bags and shop at small specialty stores that use virtually no packaging on their foods. All the trash that is created is recycled and reused. The toilets are much more water friendly (although not always user friendly....) and so are the showers. it is beautiful! I get so inspired when I see it!

I feel like the best option isn't to outlaw people from buying plastics or purchasing water in pretty containers. I want to find a way to instill a conscienceness of better living in myself and in those around me. To find a way to convince myself that neither I, nor the earth is going to be forever youthful; I will die and the earth needs to be taken care of if it is to survive with any sort of natural beauty. To find a way to convince myself that there is an urgency in my role as a steward of this planet and that to neglect that stewardship is a disservice to myself, my community, and future generations.

If this new program of outlawing waterbottles in all government buildings in San Francisco can do that - than I am excited to see it started. If it can't, I'd like to be part of the movement that tries to find something new that will.