
Beth came to visit!

Beth came to visit and Eric and I made it our mission to get her totally and irreversibly hooked on New York. I think our mission may have been a success.

We waited forever in line at Borders to buy the Glee #1 album so that we could have the possibility of meeting the cast later that night. But when we came back the crowd was too big and too crazy. So we took a few pictures and then left.
(look at how surprised they are! They are even taking pictures of us. How cute. )

Beth got caught up in the cupcake trend. And all you cupcake connoisseurs don't worry - we tried 3 different cupcake places.

We window shopped. This was our favorite.

We then took ourselves on a Holden tour of NYC. Here we are at our last stop - the lagoon.

And we were happy to see the ducks were safe and sound.

She's so pretty.


naomi said...

I know this is mental, because it's not like I've ever met her, but I feel confused as to why she isn't a young whipper snapper any more. The years move pretty fast.