We drove from Garda to Ranzanico - a tiny village on a small lake near the larger Lake Iseo.

We took a ferry out to the island in the middle of lake iseo. We spent the afternoon hiking around.
We took a ferry out to the island in the middle of lake iseo. We spent the afternoon hiking around.
The island is so small that no cars are allowed. Everyone's got a scooter. We should have taken a hint an realized that even the locals don't walk around the island in the middle of the hottest summer in years.
It was a long, hot hike. I distracted myself with all of the bugs and plants.
I have 24 more bug and plant pictures if you'd care to see.
I have 24 more bug and plant pictures if you'd care to see.
Can you see the sweat literally dripping off of our faces. That's right you can't. I photoshopped it out.
I was feeling rather skeptical about Eric's navigational skills. Soon after this we found ourselves wandering through the forest without a clue as to where the path was.
We finally found a sign. After 1 large black snake, several blackberry bush entanglements and 57 mosquito bites later.
The fabulous Lake Como. Well, it's beautiful and all but.... not my fave. Don't tell George Clooney.
Took a ferry ride to the town of Bellagio. Yes, the famed hotel is not named after an Italian hotel but a town. Who knew?
Lunch with allllllll the other american tourists.
Once again, the option of flicking through 60 random, not-good-enough-for-a-blog pictures
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