
Let's Play - Guess the Famous Florentine!

Florence is the sculpture capital of the world. I haven't heard this from a reliable source or anything, but I am 100% positive it is true. It got to the point that Eric and I made a game out of guessing the famous person by their sculpture. We have decided to share our game with you and have graciously provided you with hints.

(it will be more fun if you don't try to squint to read the name under the sculpture)

Donatello. (I'm Donatello the Ninja Turtle. Duh)

Dante (eric is a devil from one of the circles of hell)

Amerigo Vespuci!
(he is who America is named after - in case you forgot and couldn't make that connection like I couldn't!)

Scheming Machiavelli

Galileo - always full of good ideas

Petrarca. He was a poet or something or other

Eric told me the naked man in the drawing would be the best hint. I beg to differ.

This one is tough.
It's Michelangelo!
Turns out the Italians refer to his grumpiness more than his artistic abilities.