
Yosemite Day 2

I would really like to be a geologist in another life. A life where I don't actually have t get a degree or anything. Just hike (or nature walk) and love really cool rocks.

seriously though, isn't that swoop incredible!?

Our "nature walk" led us to the lake and the base of Half Dome.

We snacked on raspberries growing along the river. How much more epic summer-time can you get!?

Well, we thought it could be more epically summer if we went swimming in the river. But we weren't wearing swimsuits. So we just had to jump in with all of our clothes. It was the best moment of the trip. Coldest, but best.

I think I would also like to be an entomologist in that second life as well.

check out that snaggle tooth grin. it's totally in right now - check it out


Sarah :) said...

im climbing half dome next month!

Elisse Newey said...

really!?! You are hardcore. eric wanted us to but I wimped out and blamed it on the fact that we didn't have permits.