
Food Crunch

I have been hearing and reading a lot about the food shortage and the recession but thought it odd I hadn't actually noticed it in my daily life. But today I noticed it and now it makes me wonder what it means about my eating habits that these particular price raises should make me raise me eyebrow.

Harlem street Bananas - were: 25 cents Now:35 cents
Bottle of coke the bodega - was: $1.00 Now $1.25
Fruit by the Foot at other bodega - was: 50 cents Now: 65 cents
Hershey bar at Duane Read - was: 50 cents Now: 75 cents


naomi said...

remember that article on my blog about obese people? yeah. Just kidding. but seriously,even the price of ice cream is up. Wendy's will soon start a $2 'value' menu. i can feel it.